Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mom , 
Last night I had the most amazing dream. I was sitting in  a classroom in a  circle.
All of a sudden, you entered the room. You were wearing your brown dress and your hair was in a bun.
I said. “ Mom , mom what are you doing here. I thought you were gone?”

You said that you were not gone. 
I told dafna
“Dafna, mom is here.”
Dafna said ,  “  Mom is here.”

Mom, I just want to tell you how much I love you.
Everytime I pass your old condo I miss you so much.
I am having  a great time doing music. I may be able to start doing music for a Disney film.
I have been learning how to use LOGIC, an apple program. 
God do I miss you. I remember that you told me that I only have one mom. You told me that you miss your mom everyday. 
God do I miss you.
            I am going to email you the songs on the album. Some are about you.
Remember that I wrote the words to song of hope for you?
And Mourning Wings?Here are the songs they are for you.
Love forever.Please visit me more.
Love Danny