Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 15,2016

Hi Jason,

How are you? I am sorry we have not been able to talk since around 1998. God , do I miss you.
Mom moved to heaven about 5 months ago.
         Last night I had a nightmare. I don’t know if you are aware that mom was fighting cancer.  I wish I could have saved her from the cancer. Mom was like an innocent lamb. The cancer slowly ate her alive.
         Last night I dreamed that mom was in an isolation room.  She was not in a hospital. Her isolation room was in a forest. I was visiting mom.
         A nurse told me, “ Danny, you’re mom was unconscious. She just woke up. She is dying of cancer. I know you are so sad but you need to be positive.  You will need to hide your sadness. Don’t look depressed in front of mom.”
         Tammy and Dafna were already in the room. Mom was talking.  It seemed that she was leaning forward.
         It seemed that mom was saying something to Tammy. I could not hear what mom said?
          I stepped in front of Tammy to see mom. That is all I remember.  This is the second time that mom has visited me. Jason, after you went to heaven, you used to visit me in my dreams almost every night for about 3 years.
We were riding bicycles and flying in the air. I said, “ Jason, what are you doing here? People are telling me that you passed away.”

         You said, “ Danny, tell the people that I am still alive.” In the morning I would wake up and I could not find you. Jason, please come back. We all want you back.

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