Monday, July 18, 2016

uly 17,2016
Hi Mom, 
I love you so much.How are u?Have you seen jason around?

Last night I had the coolest dream about you. It was the best dream I ever had.
Angi. and I were driving. Angi. I hope you are not reading this. still in bed with her cat grip but my cat max is running around the room. Everytime max approached grip, griz. makes a loud his.
Max never seems to learn but Angi. and I trying to train Max.
Tammy told me and Angi that we would have lunch on Sunday at 530pm at Whiskey Red’s in Marina Del Rey.
When I arrived, Tammy was there with your Darli ( my niece). Dafna was there with her 2 kids. Talia ( 6yrs old) and Elliot ( 4yrs old). Our nurse Gail was there and you’re best Israeli friend Ziva was there.
I spoke with Ziva. She always tells me that you(mom) wanted me to start tutoring English and Biology again.
I told Ziva that me and Angi have one student.
“ Ziva, you are going to be so happy. Do you remember you told me to write  a letter to you everyday?”
“Yes Danny. Diva, I got this new mac pro. My friend builds macs for rock stars. My new mac has Protools and Logic programs. Me and Angi can record songs like a professional real studio.”
Tammy told me that she is going to Israel for a few weeks. I told Tammy not to go because it might be dangerous.
Talia and Elliot were 

So mom, last night you visited me 2 times
Dream 1
1) You called Angi and I. Angi was driving her Toyota SUV. She was driving fast on this curvy mountain road.
Anti always drives fast. So you called us and you said,
“ I am in a restaurant near Pico and Robertson. How long will it take for you and Angi to get here?”
“ I don’t know. We will be in LA area in about 15 minutes.”

 I knew that it would take more than 15 minutes but if I told this to Angi should might not take me.
Dream 2
2)In this dream, you(mom) were in the hospital. You seemed to be ok. Tammy(younger sister), Dafna( older sister), Gail ( nurse) and myself were in a hospital room( probably UCLA?)
. I think you were in a wheelchair.
You were given a diet from a previous doctor.  Tammy was talking about how the diet had too much sugar.
Dafna and I were a few feet away from you. A male doctor came in the room. Dafna. and I noticed him right away.
“ Tammy, the doctor is here.” Tammy was talking about mom but she was sitting far away from us.
The doctor said,  “ There seems to be a lot of sugar in you’re mom’s food.”

3) I am in high school. I was taking a test where I had to write an essay.It might have been University High School?
I actually  went to Uni. I kept writing my essay. It was a test. The teacher said to me
“ I think you’re done Danny. Why don’t you just turn your essay in?”
The essay didn’t seem complete. I had to go to the bathroom. I found a bathroom. 
It seemed like the smallest bathroom I have ever been in. It was so small that I decided not to go.
4) I was camping with Angi.  We were missing some food. There was a guy there also camping. I asked him if he liked my favorite band TOOL.He said yes. Then he said  “ Danny, please help me.” He had lost his cat. I helped him. 
I asked him if he had an email and he told me that it was his work email and that he could not give it out.

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